The beginning ; A little girl believed in big dreams..

Humaira teaching in the school.
That is until she turned 6, and saw her infant cousin die, coughing blood and wheezing for a breath of air - all because she was given an expired fever medicine. Medicine the child's own illiterate mother had fed her. The agony of loosing her baby cousin, the heart-wrenching screams of the mother...and that day Humaira decided - she has to stop this!
She soon came to see that she was the lucky one and her friends the ones missing out. She remained troubled by this until, still only aged 12, Humaira had a brainwave on how to redress this injustice: she would teach children at home the lessons she herself learnt in class.
She had the full support of her mother, Zainab Bibi, who endured social boycotts, verbal and physical abuse to make sure her daughters got an education. Enabling them to break the cycle of disempowerment she herself has suffered. Backed by her mother, Humaira overcame resistance from her father and brothers at home, as well as the conservative attitudes and reluctance of community members.

Humaira and some of the young teachers on a day trip.
A born leader, Humaira soon persuaded other classmates and juniors at school to join in. The young girls hit a hurdle, however, when, using every available space including the kitchen floor, the family’s modest home could not accommodate any more children. Humaira was on the verge of giving up when her work came to the notice of an organization running street schools in the adjacent and equally poor neighborhood of Lyari. When ARM Youth Welfare Society visited, they were stunned by the amazing commitment and achievements of these “mere children”. Impressed, ARM arranged support from the Rotary Club of Karachi.
With the financial assistance from the Rotary Club, Humaira - by then 15 years old - was able to move the classes from her family home to the building that is now Dream Model Street School.
Today, six years later, the school educates over 700 students in shifts from 7am until 10pm, including adult literacy classes for young women and evening classes for child laborers. The 22 young teachers, aged between 13 and 24, all continue their own education at the same time as they teach others.
With the financial assistance from the Rotary Club, Humaira - by then 15 years old - was able to move the classes from her family home to the building that is now Dream Model Street School.
Today, six years later, the school educates over 700 students in shifts from 7am until 10pm, including adult literacy classes for young women and evening classes for child laborers. The 22 young teachers, aged between 13 and 24, all continue their own education at the same time as they teach others.