Computer Literacy

It is hard to comprehend, that a semi-rural area like "Moach Goth" would have a fully-functioning school, let alone a culture of Online education. Here, it is hard enough for families living in unfurnished un-plastered houses to meet the two-meals a day thresh-hold -and the only use of computers was considered to be "entertainment" e.g. watching cheap pirated movies.
But Dream Foundation strives to change that mind-set, and bring the limitless world of information to the youth of the Goth. Infact, the team believes that the unbridled power of the internet can be wonderfully paired with the unbridled raw creativity of the youth in the Goth. it is true, that the youth in this area do not have access to Ivy-league colleges, but they can be given access to an education of international standard using the online mediums. Furthermore, access to IT based teaching techniques and courses can also broaden the horizons for an intelligent, creative and energetic young boy or girl - who are constrained physically or monetarily i.e. keeping in view the fact that computer literacy plays an important role in not only securing jobs but it also opens many doors of opportunities and learning to students.
Through the generous support from M/s. Engro Vopak and Pakistan Software Housing Association P@SHA, a computer lab has been established since 2011 with 8 computers. 2 teachers have been provided requisite training to become instructor. All students of the school attend computer classes.
Furthermore, under the auspices of DFT, a 4 month course of website designing and relevant programming languages is conducted twice a year by volunteer teachers from National College Karachi for a batch of young teenagers in the Goth. In that respect, the team is looking to place their trained youth for positions that might be available with interested organizations. For further details please contact [email protected]
But Dream Foundation strives to change that mind-set, and bring the limitless world of information to the youth of the Goth. Infact, the team believes that the unbridled power of the internet can be wonderfully paired with the unbridled raw creativity of the youth in the Goth. it is true, that the youth in this area do not have access to Ivy-league colleges, but they can be given access to an education of international standard using the online mediums. Furthermore, access to IT based teaching techniques and courses can also broaden the horizons for an intelligent, creative and energetic young boy or girl - who are constrained physically or monetarily i.e. keeping in view the fact that computer literacy plays an important role in not only securing jobs but it also opens many doors of opportunities and learning to students.
Through the generous support from M/s. Engro Vopak and Pakistan Software Housing Association P@SHA, a computer lab has been established since 2011 with 8 computers. 2 teachers have been provided requisite training to become instructor. All students of the school attend computer classes.
Furthermore, under the auspices of DFT, a 4 month course of website designing and relevant programming languages is conducted twice a year by volunteer teachers from National College Karachi for a batch of young teenagers in the Goth. In that respect, the team is looking to place their trained youth for positions that might be available with interested organizations. For further details please contact [email protected]